In this post I review a video of an attempted kidnapping.
- Dad is focused on his cellphone.
- Predator approaches and picks up young child before the dad even responds.
- It does not appear that there is a relationship between the abductor and the father or child.
- Dad is very slow to respond and getting daughter back into his physical control.
- Predator slaps dad and ends up walking away. We do not know if the predator is armed with a weapon or if he is working alone.
- Dad should have immediate put young child in vehicle and left the area.
This is a brazen attempted child abduction right in front of the child’s father. The father is distracted by his cellphone and lacks situational awareness which would have allowed him to see the predator approach and be proactive in his child’s safety. The father is also slow to respond to the predators actions. There is no audio so it is difficult to know what was being said between the predator and father.
If the predator failed to give the child back the father would be required to use physical force to get his daughter back which I think many fathers would have done immediately.
Chances are this predator is a pedophile who is attempting to abduct the child for his evil intentions. It is important to realize that an abduction can happen extremely fast and parents need to be extremely vigilant in protecting their children.