A “Dedicated Threat” is a person or persons whose main goal, desire and motivation it to severely injure or kill you by any means necessary.
This is the worst-case scenario.
Dedicated Threat Solutions, LLC provides realistic and practical solutions to the worst-case scenarios of violence such as active killer incidents and surviving a violent encounter. It is often said, “the will to win beats the skill to win” which is why a significant emphasis is placed on forging a never quit mindset. No matter what happens, you stay in the fight until the threat is neutralized or you are no longer in danger.
“It takes only one act of violence to dramatically change your world for the worse. Generally, you do not get to choose the time, location or circumstances. It matters not that you are tired, sick, injured or distracted. You are either prepared to respond appropriately or you are not. There tends not to be a middle ground when violence is directed at you. ”
Scott Kirshner
High quality training for:
- Law enforcement agencies to include:
- Code Enforcement:
- Animal Control Officers
- Building Officials
- Code Enforcement Officers
- Environmental Inspectors
- Fire Inspectors
- Health Inspectors
- Housing Inspectors
- Park Rangers
- Parking Enforcement Officers
- Zoning Inspectors
- Constables
- Courts
- Court Security Officers
- Judicial Officers
- Court Staff
- Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT)
- Law-abiding Civilians
- Organizations of all sizes
- Government Agencies
- Synagogues and Churches
- Schools and Universities
- Small groups or individuals for private training and/or consultation

“Hope is not a survival Strategy.
Luck is not a survival tactic.”

Contact Information
To schedule a class or inquire about life-saving training options, email:
info (@) dedicatedthreatsolutions (dot) com