Instructor Cadre
Dedicated Threat Solutions, LLC uses only the highest quality instructors who possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities along with an unwavering commitment and passion for officer safety and survival. The instructor cadre understands that the information provided during training may one day need to be applied to survive a violent encounter in a high stress, time compressed, ambiguous, rapidly changing, and dynamic environment with the potential for life-threatening injury. The team takes this responsibility seriously.
The Dedicated Threat Solutions instructor cadre has over 100 years of teaching, coaching, and facilitation experience.
Scott Kirshner, M.Ed., INCI, COSCI

Scott Kirshner, M.Ed., INCI, COSCI, is an accomplished trainer with decades of experience in safety and violence mitigation strategies. Mr. Kirshner is a Nationally Certified Instructor (INCI) from the International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST) and a CEOSF Officer Safety Certified Instructor (COSCI) through the Code Enforcement Officer Safety Foundation. He has held many positions in the criminal justice system to include Parole Administrator, Supervisory Probation Officer, and Correctional Officer.
As an officer survival instructor he was integral in the development and implementation of an officer safety curriculum for two large agencies. He served as a Certified Firearms Instructor, Lead Defensive Tactics Instructor, and Use of Force Instructor. He has facilitated classes on: Use of Force, Tactical Mindset, Verbal De-escalation, Crisis Prevention, OC Spray, Expandable Baton, Handcuffing, Searches, Safety Policies, Applied Defensive Tactics, Low-Light Shooting, Force-on-Force, Judgmental Shooting, Terrorism, Active Killer Incidents, Surviving Violent Encounters, and other courses. He is a two-time recipient of the Excellence in Training Award by the Arizona Supreme Court. He is the author of numerous books on safety and officer survival which are used by officers, departments, colleges, and associations.
Mr. Kirshner has worked with numerous municipal, county, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. He has trained with the FBI SWAT Team – Phoenix Division, Phoenix Police Department, Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, Pima County Sheriff’s Office, SureFire Institute, Proactive Training Institute, and many other government and private agencies on topics to include: Officer Survival, Active Shooter Intervention, Force-on-Force Training, Shoot House Instructor, Law Enforcement First Responder, Building Entry & Room Clearing, School Violence, Workplace Violence, Flashbang Operator, Tactical Scouting and others. Mr. Kirshner is a member of the National Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor Association (NLEFIA). He is an International Liaison Officer for the South West, USA for the International Law Enforcement Trainers (ILET) Network.
Mr. Kirshner has received specialized training on topics to include: Sex Offenders, Domestic Violence Offenders, Mental Health, Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, Motivational Interviewing, Risk and Needs Assessments, Public Information Officer, numerous Leadership Schools, Faculty Skills Development, Advanced Faculty Skills Development, and Curriculum & Lesson Plan Development. Mr. Kirshner has a Master of Education in Counseling, Bachelor of Science in Business, and an Associate of Applied Science in Fire Science Technology.
Connect on LinkedIn: Scott Kirshner
Gary Streeter, M.Ed., E-8 (Ret.)

Gary Streeter, M.Ed., E-8 (Ret.) is a highly experienced trainer with extensive knowledge of officer safety, coaching, personal development, and optimal performance. Gary retired from Maricopa County Adult Probation Department where he was a Supervisory Probation Officer assigned to lead the Safety Training Unit. As an Officer Safety Instructor, he was a lead defensive tactics instructor, firearms instructor, Taser instructor, and member of the use of force review board. Gary’s passion included coaching officers in optimizing mental skills, personal & professional development, and the implementation of high-performance principles, concepts, and techniques into safety training curriculum. Gary presents training on officer safety and performance optimization throughout the state of Arizona and nationally. Additionally, Gary earned a third-degree black belt in Shotokan Karate and has competed in many tournaments including the World Police and Fire Games.
Gary retired from the Arizona Air National Guard as a Senior Master Sergeant where he was a member of the US Air Force Phoenix Raven program consisting of specially trained Security Forces personnel highly trained to provide force protection in austere locations with potentially high terrorist and criminal threat levels. Gary has led teams on two overseas deployments. Gary maintains his military connection through involvement with The Mission Continues, a nationwide non-profit. He began volunteering with the Phoenix Service Platoon in 2015 and in August 2021 became Platoon Leader.
In addition to being a lead instructor for Dedicated Threat Solutions, Gary is the owner and chief guide of Next Level Performance Guiding LLC (NLP) which provides Personal Potential and Performance Guiding. Individuals and groups interested in enhancing mental skills, increasing life performance, and more importantly actualizing individual and collective potential will greatly benefit from NLP services. Gary has over 30 years of experience coaching people towards personal change, growth, development and optimal performance. He brings a combination of “change agent” empathy, connection and vision; military-trained precision; martial arts-inspired intensity; personal adversity-related life insights and lessons; coach/trainer motivation and strong life purpose-driven focus.
Gary is also a certified trainer for the Positive Coaching Alliance, a national non-profit providing workshops for leaders, coaches, athletes and parents. Connect on LinkedIn: Gary Streeter
Brian Kohler

Brian Kohler is a highly experienced Correctional Officer with the Arizona Department of Corrections where during his 25 years of service with the department he has served in a variety of assignments. Brian has extensive knowledge of officer safety, verbal de-escalation, use of force, defensive tactics, low-light shooting, and firearms.
Brian is an avid martial artist with experience in boxing, Tae Kwon Do, Kenpo Karate, and Shotokan Karate. He has trained with SureFire Institute, Proactive Training Institute, United States Marksmanship Academy and many other organizations on topics to include Advanced Handgun Operator, Long Range Precision Shooting, CQB Concepts & Tactics, and Domestic & International Terrorism.
In addition to being a lead instructor for Dedicated Threat Solutions, Brian is an avid outdoorsman, hunter, backpacker, and camper. Brian is a voracious reader and well versed in philosophy, religion, politics, and domestic and international current affairs.